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The NHS Transforming Care programme aims to ensure that more people with learning and/or physical disabilities can live in the community with the right level of support. The availability of high-quality, specialist and appropriate housing is key in making this happen. 

Many of the people that the Transforming Care programme aims to support will have physical or learning disabilities, autism or a mental health condition and require specialist adaptations to accommodation to ensure that they are able to receive the care that they need, whilst living as independently and safely as possible. Hexagon Partnership’s homes are specifically designed to meet these needs.

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We are experienced in working with multiple stakeholders to deliver projects that satisfy diverse and sometimes competing needs. For specialist housing we work with the following parties:

  • Residents and their families

  • Local Authority and Health Commissioners

  • Care Providers

  • Housing Managers and Registered Providers

  • Funding partners and investors

  • Land and property owners

  • Local Planning Authorities

We work with partners who share our vision for a future where service users have a real choice about where and how they live.

Our housing options are tailored to meet an individual’s needs and aspirations. We believe that this lays the foundations for greater independence and security – both of which are key concerns for our residents and the people who care for them.

We provide our partners with an end to end design development and funded solution, guiding them through the process to ensure their requirements are met and quality outcomes are achieved and leaving them to focus of their core business.

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